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        德高機械 Degao Machinery


      1. 聯系金先生咨詢:


      2. 熱搜關鍵詞: 視覺定位機、 制盒機、 禮盒機、 皮殼機、 成型機、 貼角機、
        詳情說明 / Details




        The machine is mainly divided into three parts: positioning module, angle sticking module and forming module. It can realize automatic paper feeding, automatic glue passing, automatic angle sticking, automatic positioning, automatic forming and automatic bubble pressing in the production of all kinds of cartons, wooden boxes and plastic boxes. A series of technological processes can be completed automatically, the plate can be transferred quickly, and the box body can be made exquisitely I'm not. Non adhesive tape slot and double lift paper table of corner module. The intelligent adjustment, automatic locking, servo cam action, no change blade and pressure foam board of the molding module are designed and produced by our company, and have obtained a number of national patents.

      3. 關于德高

        公司簡介 榮譽資質 合作伙伴 廠房車間 客戶案例
      4. 產品中心

        全自動智能制盒機 機械手影像定位機 禮品盒伺服成型機 全自動紙盒貼角機 禮品盒機械非標定制
      5. 新聞中心

        公司動態 行業資訊 常見問題
      6. 聯系方式

        金 坤:13925867976

        金 培 煜:13925867976

        金 鑫:18926882708

        地 址:東莞市道滘鎮昌平村百代工業園四棟一樓
      7. 掃描進入手機站

      8. 久久精品免费国产大片_精品国产第二十三页_国产av无码专区亚洲av紧身裤_亚洲精品高清国产一久久

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